Community Involvement
Fondy Family Dental Community Involvement
These are some of the local organizations that Fondy Family Dental works with or supports through donations. Every little bit helps in this great community!
Save A Smile Program
This is a program of the Fond du Lac County Health Department that is able to provide children’s and some adult dental services for those that have financial restrictions. Please visit their webpage for more information:
Save A Smile Website

Mission of Mercy
This is a state event held by the Wisconsin Dental Association. It is an event where dentistry is provided to those that are unable to normally receive care due to financial restrictions.
Envision Greater Fond du Lac
We are proud to be involved with Envision Greater Fond du Lac. It is an organization that strives to enhance and grow existing programs and service offerings through attraction of new businesses, growth of existing businesses, strengthening of workforce and community development, and development of new areas of opportunity throughout the county. If interested, more information can be found at
Fond du Lac Artists’ Association
Our office has partnered with the Fond du Lac Art Association to give patients something different to look at every time they visit our office. We feature different types of art from local artists that is rotated through on a regular basis. We will even give you the information to purchase the art if available! Learn more more this great local association at
Fond du Lac Humane Society
Kiwanis Club
Boys and Girls Club